

目前显示的是 九月, 2021的博文

These 6 behaviors of dogs are hinting to you: I hope you can play with him!

 Dogs’ behaviors have a certain meaning. If dogs are sometimes too boring, they have the following behaviors. In fact, these behaviors are hinting at you, hoping you can play with them. If your dog has these behaviors, stay with him more. 1. Lying on the ground and looking at you Usually, when the dog owner is busy with his own affairs, the dog will often run in front of him inexplicably, and then lie on the ground and look at him. It will not rush you to do things, but it still hopes that you can play with it for a while. If you see it, you can put aside the things in your hands and go to play with the dog, even if it is stroking its head, playing with it for five minutes. This way you can also take a break and relax.  2. Bored to sleep Sleeping a bored dog is actually the same as sleeping bored in class. If your dog does not go out to play during the day but sleeps on the ground, it may be that the dog is "something", it may be uncomfortable, or maybe it’s just too boring.

Why do dogs love to lick their owners' feet?

 Dogs are friends and partners in our lives, and at the same time, they bring us a lot of happiness in life. We are also happy to play with dogs and will be moved by their friendliness and loyalty. But why do they like to lick their master's feet? In fact, each dog does this for different reasons, so let's see which ones.  Maybe licking the salt on the feet Some people think that the dog is licking the owner's feet because the feet sweat more, the smell is obvious, and there is a salty taste.  This smell will stimulate the dog's nerves and make them feel very flavorful. In fact, some people have done research in this area, showing that dogs can indeed taste salty taste from human skin. This may be the reason why some dogs lick their master's feet. However, don't always let the dog lick your feet, not only because too much salt intake is harmful, but also because there are many bacteria on the feet, the dog is prone to diarrhea.  Feel comfortable and relaxed Dogs

Teach you to correct the dog's random pee behavior

Dogs urinating messy urine are the most annoying to their owners, and the house is full of urine, which smells unpleasant and difficult to clean up, so what should I do? The most straightforward and simple way is to correct the dog's messy urination behavior, once and for all, without worrying.  Which manifestations of dogs want to urinate? When a dog wants to poop, he will first sniff the ground, walk around two or three times, squat down and start defecation. The dog's defecation is usually when he wakes up or just after eating. If there is a habit of going outdoors, the dog will bark and signal to the owner.  It means that the dog is telling you that it is urinating and defecate. At this time, you have to take the dog to the toilet or to a place where it can urinate and defecate.  How to correct the dog's messy urine behavior? 1. Prepare the designated place First, choose a suitable excretion place for the dog, and spread a newspaper on the designated place, preferably n